User Acquisition: Branch Integration

268 views 2020-04-16 Ofer Garnett 0

How to Enable Integration

1) Visit the “Ads page” on the Branch dashboard.
2) Select “Partner Management” from the sidebar.
3) Select “YouAppi” under Partners


Enable Postbacks :

– Select the “Postback Config” tab.
– Basic Postbacks will automatically be activated for events like Install and Purchase when you enable your ad partner.
– You can then add additional postbacks
– You can also edit postbacks if there’s additional data you really need to pass along to your ad partner.
– Please make sure to enable ALL EVENTS in both checkboxes.


Create Ad Link :

– Its time to create ad link.
– Please follow step by step as per below screenshots.




Granting Ad Partner access :

To grant an Ad Partner access to your App’s data, you need to add them as an agency in your Branch account.
– Go to Account Settings and click on the Agencies tab.
– On the Agencies tab, click the Add New Agency button.
– In the Add New Agency modal:
– Select the Agency name from the drop-down.
– Select the admin access.
– Click Invite
For further information, please refer to the YouAppi integration guide on Branch’s support center.