Ad Specifications

5600 views 2024-07-12 Ran Zukerman 0

Standard and Text Ad Spec

Standard Banner

A standard banner ad is an ad unit that can be either static or animated, and placed within a publisher’s specified ad content area around their live mobile content.


Ad Format Dimensions Supported Files File Size
Standard Banner





JPG, JPEG, Animated GIF Max 150KB



Static Interstitial

An interstitial ad is an interactive full-page ad unit. An interstitial is loaded in-between content (such as game levels or web pages). When collapsed (closed), the user’s expected content loads.


Ad Format Dimensions Supported Files File Size


480 x 320

568 x 320

1024 x 768



320 x 480

320 x 568

768 x 1024




A native ad is a format of advertising that takes advantage of the form and function of the surrounding user experiences, all of which are indigenous to the wide variety of mobile devices.


Ad Format Dimensions Supported Files File Size
Native 1200 x 627 JPG, JPEG Max 150KB
Logo 180 x 180 JPG, JPEG Max 50KB



Video Ad Spec

Fullscreen Video

Fullscreen video (interstitial video) are ads that appear between two content pages. Also known as transition ads, inter-commercial ads, and splash pages. Other terms such as in-page, and mobile pre-roll appear in the context of mobile interstitials or ads that have 100% share of voice/screen.


Ad Type Dimensions Supported Formats File Size Video Duration

Portrait Video

320 x 480

768 x 1024

720 x 1280

1080 x 1920

Landscape Video

480 x 320

1024 x 768

1280 x 720

1920 x 1080

MP4 file
Max 35MB Min 5, Max 60 seconds



Custom Content Creation with Appi Studios


Edit existing materials

Create new materials

  • Video ads – portrait/landscape, trailer/game play.


  • Top geos’ languages: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, German, Spanish, Russian and more.


  • Proposal for clients for different promotion types.
  • Proposal for partners of different placement formats.
  • Simulation of ad placements.

Audio voiceover

  • Providing the script, the recording, and the layover to the video.

Real actors promoting the product

  • Using real people describing the advertisers’ service/app/product/brand.


  • Content for the ads/videos/promotional materials.