Android SDK

7162 views 2019-11-04 Ofer Garnett 0

Getting Started

Latest Android version: 5.0.1
Release date: 16-Mar 2020

This document details the process of integrating YouAppi’s SDK with your Android app.

If you have any questions, please, feel free to email us:

The basic steps of integration are:

  • Add our SDK AAR and dependencies to your project.
  • Init the SDK.
  • Load an ad.
  • Show an ad.


Minimum API level: 16, Android 4.1

Please, note that SDK can access some of user’s private information, so, make sure you have read this part carefully. 


Integrate using AAR file

Our latest SDK version can be downloaded as a ZIP file from the following URL:

YouAppi Android SDK

The ZIP file contains:

  • SDK AAR file – youappi-sdk-android-moat.aar – YouAppi’s SDK
  • SDK AAR file – youappi-sdk-android-admob.aar – YouAppi’s AdMob adapter
  • SDK AAR file – youappi-sdk-android-mopub.aar – YouAppi’d MoPub adapter
  • Copy youappi-sdk-android-moat.aar file to the apps\libs folder of your project.
  • Add the following to the project build.gradle file inside the repositories section:
    repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'
  • Add to your app build.gradle file the following under dependencies section:
    dependencies {
        implementation name:'youappi-sdk-android-moat', ext:'aar'
        implementation ''
        implementation ''

    Please make sure to add the play-services-ads-identifier dependency so we will be able to access the Android Advertising ID (AAID).

Note: If Manifest Merger is disabled, the following items need to be added to the AndroidManifest.xml file:

  • Add AdActivity activity to <application> tag :
    <activity android:name="com.youappi.sdk.AdActivity"
  • These permissions should be added if your app is running on older devices:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

Integrate using repository

  • Add the following to the project build.gradle file inside the repositories section:
    maven { url "" }
  • Add to your app build.gradle file the following under dependencies section:
    dependencies {
         implementation "com.youappi.sdk:youappi-sdk-android-moat:4.4.6"
         implementation ""

    Please make sure to add the play-services-ads-identifier dependency so we will be able to access the Android Advertising ID (AAID).

Using the SDK

  • Initialize YouAppi SDK as soon as your app loads with the app token, provided by YouAppi, user consent and GDPR. USER_CONSENT is the user’s response to a dialog presented to the user asking for permission. If your user is NOT subject to the GDPR rules (e.g.: a EU residence), please,  make sure DOES_GDPR_APPLY value is ‘false’ in order to get relevant ads:
  • Please note: it is strongly recommended to initialize YouAppi SDK in the onCreate method of the Application object of your app. It will ensure YouAppi SDK instance is always properly initialized. Here is an example:
    import com.youappi.sdk.YouAPPi;
    public class YouAppApplication extends Application {
          private static final String DEMO_TOKEN = "<YOUR_APP_TOKEN>;
          private static final boolean USER_CONSENT = true;
          private static final boolean DOES_GDPR_APPLY = false;
          public void onCreate() {
                YouAPPi.init(this, DEMO_TOKEN, USER_CONSENT, DOES_GDPR_APPLY);
  • Also, update the corresponding manifest.xml with the Application class name:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android=""
            android:name = ".YouAppApplication"
  • Create an ad instance for one of YouAppi’s products:
    • Rewarded Video
    • Interstitial Ad (Note: Interstitial Ad can be a static or a video depending on the creative type)
    YARewardedVideoAd rewardedVideoAd = YouAPPi.getInstance().rewardedVideoAd("test_rewarded_video_ad");
    YAInterstitialAd interstitialAd = YouAPPi.getInstance().interstitialAd("test_interstitial_ad");
  • Please note: YouAppi ad unit id is created and controlled by the app developer. The ad unit id later appears in reports and helps to analyze performance for each ad unit. Any arbitrary value can be selected for ad unit id as long as it is constructed from:
    • letters (lowercase, uppercase)
    • numbers
    • underscores.
  • Load an ad (for example, a rewarded video ad):

  • Show an ad:;
  • Please note: Interstitial Ad can be static or video based on the creative type set in an ad request. For static:
    • YAAdRequest adRequest = new YAAdRequest()

Custom parameters and server-to-server callback (optional)

YouAppi SDK supports customer parameters and server-to-server callback. Custom parameters could be passed during the ad request and received upon user’s completion event as a part of the callback string (server-to-server completion callback).

Parameter NameDescriptionValue TypeProvided by
user_idA unique identifier of the user to be rewarded.StringPublisher
reward_typeA name of the virtual item to be rewarded.StringPublisher
reward_valueA number of credit units to be rewarded to the user.StringPublisher
reward_idA unique identifier of the commission event.StringYouAppi
dynamicUserIdA unique parameter to verify transaction that could be changed throughout the session.StringPublisher

Callback URL example:{user_id}&RewardValue={reward_value}&RewardType={reward_type}&RewardId={reward_id}&DynamicUserId={dynamicUserId}

You can use YAAdRequest object to add custom parameters as <key, value> to your ad request before loading an ad:

YaAdRequest adRequest = new YAAdRequest();
adRequest.addCustomParam("param_key", "param_value");

Dynamic User Id

This optional parameter could be changed throughout the session and used to verify Rewarded Video transactions. To receive this parameter through the server-to-server completion callback, setDynamicUserId() method should be called before calling show(). This parameter will be received with the other custom parameters upon user’s completion event as a part of the server-to-server callback string.


Age and Gender support (optional)

In order to get better supply that allocated specifically to the user, user’s age and gender could be forwarded to our server throughout YouAppi SDK. You can use YAAdRequest object and setGender() / setAge() methods accordingly before loading ads.

YAAdRequest adRequest = new YAAdRequest()

Implementation example for Rewarded Video

Please note: this example is for rewarded video. Other products work in a similar way.

  • Create a rewarded video instance:
    YARewardedVideoAd rewardedVideoAd = YouAPPi.getInstance().rewardedVideoAd("test_rewarded_video_ad");
  • Add rewarded video event listener:

    rewardedVideoAd.setRewardedVideoAdListener(new YARewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdListener() {
                public void onRewarded(String s) {
                public void onVideoStart(String s) {
                public void onVideoEnd(String s) {
                public void onVideoSkipped(String s, int i) {
                public void onCardShow(String s) {
                public void onCardClose(String s) {
                public void onCardClick(String s) {
                public void onLoadSuccess(String s) {
                public void onLoadFailure(String s, YAErrorCode yaErrorCode, Exception e) {
                public void onShowFailure(String s, YAErrorCode yaErrorCode, Exception e) {
                public void onAdStarted(String s) {
                public void onAdEnded(String s) {
  • Add custom parameters / age / gender (if needed) and load rewarded video ad:
    YAAdRequest adRequest = new YAAdRequest()
             .addCustomParam("user_id", "user100")
             .addCustomParam("reward_value", "25")
             .addCustomParam("reward_type", "coins")
  • Once ad is loaded, the event onLoadSuccess is called, set dynamic usr id (if needed) and show ads:

  • Ad availability can also be checked by calling:


    If you’re using proguard in your application the following entries should be added to your proguard file:

    -keep class**{ *;}
    -keep class**{*;}
    -keep class com.youappi.sdk.**{*;}
    -keep interface com.youappi.sdk.**{*;}
    -keep enum com.youappi.sdk.**{*;}
    -keepclassmembers class * {
       @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;

Android App Bundle

In order to upload your app’s compiled code and resources to Google Play using Android App Bundle without generating APK, exclude Android Manifest from the package options of your build.gradle:

packagingOptions {
    exclude 'AndroidManifest.xml'

Device Orientation

If the app developer fixes the app orientation to a specific orientation (portrait or landscape), then the specific orientation needs to be added to the AndroidManifest.xml file:

<activity android:name="com.youappi.sdk.AdActivity"

GDPR User’s Consent

The USER_CONSENT value should be determined by the app developer according to the User’s response to a Consent Request. The DOES_GDPR_APPLY value should be set according to the user being subject to the GDPR rules (e.g.: an EU residence). The DOES_GDPR_APPLY flag value signals to YouAppi the permission to process and store the user’s Personal Information (e.g.: Advertising ID and IP address). In case that the flag value is false, YouAppi may decide not to respond to the ad request, since the user cannot be detected and his actions cannot be attributed to the user and hence also to YouAppi and to the app developer.

GDPR user consent can be passed in the following ways:

  • It is mandatory to pass user consent in SDK init:
  • USER_CONSENT can be set by using:
  • DOES_GDPR_APPLY can be set by using:
  • If the user is known to be in an age restricted class (e.g.: under the age of 16 in some countries or under the age of 13 in other countries ) then the age restricted indication should be passed:

Logging and troubleshooting

After initializing the SDK you can set LogListener to get detailed log events from YouAppi’s SDK:

YouAPPi.getInstance().setLogListener(new Logger.LogListener()
       public void log(String tag, String message)
           // This will be called each time YouAppi SDK generates a log message.

Load and Show best practices

  • Make sure to init the SDK as soon as the app starts. It might take few seconds to complete the init process.
  • Make sure to load the ad about 30 seconds before you want to show it since it takes time for the ad and assets to be prepared.
  • Make sure to show an ad as close as possible to its load, in order to have a better fill rate and relevant ads.
  • Make sure not to wait too long before showing an ad, since the ad will be expired 5 hours after being called for. In other words, “show” must be performed no more than 5 hours after the “load”.
  • Use ad event listeners in order to be notified when an ad is ready to be shown.
  • Use ad event listeners to handle load and show.
  • Loading an ad too many times without showing it might cause YouAppi servers to block the SDK from requests.

Demo App

A demo app showing a simple usage of the SDK can be found in the following Github repository:

The demo app contains 4 modules:

  • app-demo – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK
  • app-demo-admob – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK with AdMob adapter
  • app-demo-mopub – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK with MoPub adapter
  • app-demo-nativeads – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK Native Ads

Please make sure to read the file for further instructions.
