Android YA SDK MoPub Adapter

Getting Started

Latest Android version: 5.0.1
Release date: 16-Mar 2020

This document details the process of integrating YouAppi Android MoPub adapter with your Android app.

If you have any questions, please, feel free to email us:

The basic steps of integration are:

Download YouAppi’s Android SDK MoPub Adapter

Android MoPub adapter can be found in YouAppi Android SDK package as youappi-sdk-android-mopub.aar


Integrate using AAR files

  • Copy youappi-sdk-android-moat.aar and youappi-sdk-android-mopub.aar file to the apps/libs folder of your project.
  • Add the following to your project build.gradle file inside the repositories section:
    repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'
  • Add the following under dependencies section of app’s build.gradle (replace the ‘x.xx’ version field with the latest available version of the SDK):
    dependencies {
        implementation name:'youappi-sdk-android-mopub', ext:'aar'
        implementation name:'youappi-sdk-android-moat', ext:'aar'
  • Add to your app build.gradle file the following:
    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }
        dependencies {
            classpath 'com.yaga.sdk:ysdk-plugin:0.1.1'
    }// this can also be added to the buildscript section where the android gradle plugin is defined:
    apply plugin: 'com.yaga.sdk'

Integrate using repository

  • Add the following repository to your project build.gradle:
repositories {
    maven { url "" }
  • Add the following dependency to your module build.gradle:
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.youappi.sdk:youappi-sdk-android-mopub-moat:4.3.10'
  • Add to your app build.gradle file the following:
    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }
        dependencies {
            classpath 'com.yaga.sdk:ysdk-plugin:0.1.1'
    }// this can also be added to the buildscript section where the android gradle plugin is defined:
    apply plugin: 'com.yaga.sdk'


    If you use proguard in your application you should add these entries to your proguard file:

    -keep class com.youappi.sdk.mediation.mopub.YouAPPiInterstitialAd{*;}
    -keep class com.youappi.sdk.mediation.mopub.YouAPPiInterstitialVideo{*;}
    -keep class com.youappi.sdk.mediation.mopub.YouAPPiRewardedVideo{*;}

    Create YouAppi custom network

    • On MoPub platform on Networks tab, add a new custom network for YouAppi:
    • On the popup that opens choose to add a Custom Native Network.
    • Name your new network (YouAppi might be a good name) and fill other relevant details.

    Setup MoPub for YouAppi Ad units

    Create rewarded video ad anit

    • On your MoPub account, press Apps tab.
    • Select your Android app for which you would like or create the new ad unit or create a new Android app.On your app screen press “New ad unit” button:

    • On your app screen press “New ad unit” button:

    • Name your add unit, select Format: Rewarded Video and press Save

    Create Interstitial Video or Interstitial Ad units

    • Assuming you already created an Android app, press Apps tab and from the apps list choose your Android app.
    • Press New ad unit button to define a new ad unit for either Interstitial Video or Interstitial Ad.
    • Name you ad unit, choose relevant device and on format choose Fullscreen:

    Setup Ad Unit on network

    • Choose Networks and select your YouAppi custom network.
    • On network details screen choose Edit Network.
    • On Set Up Your Inventory section, connect between your Android app ad unit and YouAppi by setting the proper Custom Event Class.
    • For each ad unit type there is a different custom event class:
      • Rewarded Video: com.youappi.sdk.mediation.mopub.YouAppiRewardedVideo
      • Interstitial Video: com.youappi.sdk.mediation.mopub.YouAppiInterstitialVideo
      • Interstitial Ad: com.youappi.sdk.mediation.mopub.YouAppiInterstitialAd
    • On the custom event class data the following information should be supplied:
      • accessToken – the access token of the partner received from YouAppi.
      • adUnitId – an arbitrary id chosen the by app developer to identify the ad unit id. It should be by only numbers, letters and underscores.
    • Here is an example of how the custom event class data should look like:
        "accessToken": "821cfa77-3127-42b5-9e6b-0afcecf77c67",
        "adUnitId": "testRewardedVideoAdUnitId"

    Enable YouAppi ad unit to run on YouAppi custom network

    • Press Segments tab and choose your desired segment.
    • Under your Android app find your desired ad unit and YouAppi custom network.
    • Switch your network to running by pressing the button under Enabled column:

    Use MoPub SDK to show YouAppi ad units

    Rewarded Video


    SdkConfiguration sdkConfiguration = new SdkConfiguration.Builder("<Replace with MoPub Rewarded Video Ad Unit ID>").build();
    MoPub.initializeSdk(this, sdkConfiguration, this);
    MoPubRewardedVideos.loadRewardedVideo("<Replace with MoPub Rewarded Video Ad Unit ID>");


    MoPubRewardedVideos.showRewardedVideo("<Replace with MoPub Rewarded Video Ad Unit ID>");

    Interstitial Video


    MoPubInterstitial moPubInterstitialVideo = new MoPubInterstitial(this, "<Replace with MoPub Interstitial Video Ad Unit ID>");


    Interstitial Ad


    MoPubInterstitial moPubInterstitialAd = new MoPubInterstitial(this, "<Replace with MoPub Interstitial Ad Unit ID>");


    Demo App

    A demo app showing a simple usage of the SDK can be found in the following Github repository:

    The demo app contains 4 modules:

    • app-demo – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK
    • app-demo-admob – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK with AdMob adapter
    • app-demo-mopub – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK with MoPub adapter
    • app-demo-nativeads – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK Native Ads

    Please make sure to read the file for further instructions.