DirectRun URL Guide

631 views 2018-04-10 Ofer Garnett 0

1. Objective

This document provides directions on how to use YouAppi’s campaign redirect URLs.

2. Campaign URL Format

The campaign redirect URL contains a number of parameters that must be populated by the publisher (marked in orange below):

The publisher must populate each parameter with the relevant parameter, macro or value from his end, and only then implement the redirect URL on his side. Information about these parameters can be found in the following section.

3. Redirect URL Parameters

The table below contains detailed information about the parameters that are appended to the redirect URL. Please note that the parameters are case sensitive!

Field Name Description Value Type Expected Values
subid The publisher’s unique click ID (or “transaction ID”), used to match the click with the install. String
publishertoken Site ID String
publishername Site name String
usertoken A unique user ID (i.e. device identifier or customer ID) String
deviceAndroidId Google advertising ID String
deviceIfa IDFA, iOS advertising ID String
age The user’s age Integer
gender The user’s gender String



publisher_type The publisher’s media type String



format The type of ad placement inside the publisher’s content String





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