Table of Contents
- {%CRR%}: The value of ‘crr’ param being sent by SDK. This is a combination of mobile country code and mobile network code.
- {%URL_ENCODED_CRR%}: The same thing as {%CRR%} but URL encoded.
- {%SDK_VERSION%}: SDK version (iOS only).
- {%ADVERTISING_TRACKING%}: advertising_tracking parameter sent by SDK.
- {%WIDTH%}: Device screen width.
- {%HEIGHT%}: Device screen height.
- {%IDFA%}: IDFA of a device (iOS only).
- {%IDFA_MD5%}: MD5 hash of device’s IDFA (iOS only).
- {%IDFA_HEX%}: SHA1 hash of device’s IDFA (iOS only).
- {%ADVERTISING_ID%}: Advertising ID of a device (Android only).
- {%ADVERTISING_ID_MD5%}: MD5 hash of device’s Advertising ID (Android only).
- {%ADVERTISING_ID_HEX%}: SHA1 hash of device’s Advertising ID (Android only).
- {%CACHEBUSTER%}: Just a random MD5 hash.
- {%APP_ID%}: App ID from our database.
- {%APP_BUNDLE_ID%}: App bundle ID.
- {%URL_ENCODED_APP_BUNDLE_ID%}: URL encoded app bundle ID.
- {%APP_NAME%}: App name.
- {%URL_ENCODED_APP_NAME%}: URL encoded app name.
- {%APP_STORE_URL%}: App store URL.
- {%URL_ENCODED_APP_STORE_URL%}: URL encoded app store url.
- {%APP_VERSION%}: App version.
- {%URL_ENCODED_APP_VERSION%}: URL encoded app version.
- {%IP_ADDRESS%}: IP address.
- {%URL_ENCODED_IP_ADDRESS%}: URL encoded IP address.
- {%USER_AGENT%}: User agent of the device.
- {%URL_ENCODED_USER_AGENT%}: URL encoded user agent of the device.
- {%LATITUDE%}: Location latitude.
- {%LONGITUDE%}: Location longitude.
- {%CONNECTION_TYPE%}: Connection type (wifi, mobile).
- {%OS_NAME%}: Returns “iOS” or “Android”.
- {%OS_VERSION%}: OS version.
- {%DEVICE_MODEL%}: User’s device model.
- {%URL_ENCODED_DEVICE_MODEL%}: URL encoded user’s device model.
- {%DEVICE_MANUFACTURER%}: User’s device manufacturer.
- {%URL_ENCODED_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER%}: URL encoded user’s device manufacturer.
- {%COUNTRY%}: Country code in ISO Alpha-3 format.
- {%DEVICE_TYPE%}: Device type as Integer. 4 – phone, 5 – tablet.
- {%ZIP%}: Zip or postal code based on geo data.
- {%UTC_OFFSET%}: Local time as the number +/- of minutes from UTC.
- {%COPPA%}: 0/1 flag signals whether or not the request falls under the United States Federal Trade Commission’s regulations for the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”).
- {%LMT%}: “Limit Ad Tracking” signal commercially endorsed, where 0 = tracking is unrestricted, 1 = tracking must be limited per commercial guidelines.
- {%CITY%}: City name.
- {%GDPR%}: 0/1 flag signals whether or not GDPR is applicable for the region.
- {%GEO_TYPE%}: Geolocation source. 1 – GPS/Location services; 2 – IP address.
- {%PPI%}: Screen size as pixels per linear inch.
- {%PXRATIO%}: The ratio of physical pixels to device independent pixels (float).
- %eaid!: Ad Group ID
- %%ADUNITID%%: Ad Unit ID
- %%BUNDLE%%: Bundle ID
- %%CACHEBUSTER%%: Cache Buster
- %%CLICK_URL_ESC%%: Click URL (Escaped)
- %%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%: Click URL (Unescaped)
- %ecid!: Creative ID
- %%DEST_URL_ESC_ESC%%: Destination URL (Double Escaped)
- %%DEST_URL_ESC%%: Destination URL (Escaped)
- %%DEST_URL%%: Destination URL (Unescaped)
- %eudid!: Device ID
- %%DNT%%: Do Not Track
- %%IPADDRESS%%: IP Address
- %%KEYWORDS%%: Keywords
- %%KEYWORD:[key]%%: Keywords (specific key)
- %%LATITUDE%%: Latitude
- %%LONGITUDE%%: Longitude
- %%PLACEMENTID%%: Placement ID (App ID)
- %%REQUESTID%%: Request ID
- %%USERAGENT%%: User Agent
Notes about Mopub’s Macros
- If you’re passing over key value pairs, you can set a macro to return the value for a particular key using the %%KEYWORD:[key]%% macro. Example: If you’re passing over “gender:male,age:24” as your keywords, you can use the %%KEYWORD:age%% macro to pass the age into your ad. %%KEYWORD:age%% will be replaced with 24
- Cachebusters are noted by &ord= parameters.
- If your HTML ad is using an anchor tag (<a href>) or window.location redirect, our SDK automatically tracks clicks
- The %%CACHEBUSTER%% macro returns UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
- Device IDs can be one of the following: IDFA, Android Advertising ID (if Google Play Services is integrated) or SHA1 Hashed Android ID
- The %%DNT%% macro returns 0 for no opt out or 1 for opt out (do-not-track)
- The Request ID is a unique ID assigned to each ad request
• [IP] Device IP Address
• [UA] Device User Agent
• [IFA] Device advertising identifier. Android: GAID, iOS: IDFA
• [GDPR_CONSENT] GDPR User Consent
• [OS] Operating System
• [DEVICE_MODEL] Device Model
• [HEIGHT] Desired Ad Height
• [WIDTH] Desired Ad Width
• [APP_BUNDLE_ID] Application Bundle ID
• [APP_STORE_URL] Application Store URL
• [APP_NAME] Application Name
• [APP_CATEGORY] App Category in the Store
• [LAT] Denotes the setting for “Limit Ad Tracking” setting in the device
• [LAT_STRING] Same as [LAT], where 1=”true” & 0=”false”
• [OS_VERSION] Device OS Version
• [API_Level] Android Device Api Level
• [TIME_STAMP] Device Time Stamp
• [CARRIER] Device Service Provider
• [NETWORK] Device Mobile Network Code
• [SDK_VERSION] ironSource SDK Version
• [RANDOM] Random INT